AEMI Atomic Energy Engineering Company Ltd.

Nuclear Division


AEMI Atomic Energy Engineering Company Ltd (AEMI Ltd) is a private company, registered with the number 01-09-672786. AEMI Ltd was founded in 1996. Owners of the company are the Centre for Energy Research (EK), member of HUN-REN Hungarian Research Network, and individuals.  Centre for Energy Research influences the activities of AEMI Ltd decisively.

AEMI Ltd has a Quality Assurance System of its own, regularly supervised by MVM Paks NPP Co. and by the Hungarian Standard Organization (MSzT).

The business data of AEMI Ltd are shown in the balance-sheet, regularly justified by the Könyv Profit Ltd..

AEMI Ltd was originally created for performing research and development tasks in the field of nuclear energy.  Further AEMI Ltd is a spin-off company of HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research (EK) and so entered a lot of contracts with EK for producing and marketing products, developed by EK previously. The Nuclear Division of AEMI Ltd operates today also in these fields.  The employees of AEMI Ltd are mostly retired leading researchers of EK.

Emphasized important partners

MVM Paks NPP Co. general consultant activities, renewal of the Environmental and Release Inspection System, phase II , Centre for Energy Research  – research, engineering and expert services.

R & D

  • reactor physics

  • thermal hydraulics

  •  fuel behavior

  • reactor simulators and  on-line monitoring of reactor core

  • fusion research


Products manufactured and delivered by AEMI Ltd are the following:

PorTL portable radiation measuring equipment, using thermo-luminescent dose meters

PTRU 32 HV multichannel neutron coincidence data acquisition system

PCM 86 surface contamination measuring system

– Surface beta-gamma radioactive contamination detector
– range of measurement 3-10000 pulse/s

Nuclear division

Joint manager of AEMI Ltd and head of the Nuclear Division is János Gadó, former director general  of  MTA EK.

The leading employees among others are::

  •  Ágnes Griger – fuel behavior

  • György  Hegyi  – reactor physics

  • András  Keresztúri – reactor physics

  • András Kovács  – nuclear forensics

  • István  Vidovszky  –  reactor physics, radiation protection


For the moment there are no open positions in the company.


Adress: 1121 Budapest,
Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29 – 33.

company data

Számlázási név: AEMI Atomenergia Mérnökiroda Kft.
Adószám: 12167043-2-43
Cégjegyzékszám: 01-09-672786
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